Debris Removal
Our debris removal services include:
- • Large-scale debris removal
- • Debris reduction and disposal
- • Tree trimming and removal
- • Sand removal from right-of-entry
- • Land clearing

Disaster response and recovery
Our disaster response and recovery services include:
- • Emergency response
- • Demolition
- • Levee construction
- • Hazardous waste handling
- • Site preparation
- • Road and utility work
- • Emergency berm construction
- • Additional disaster support services

Disaster support services
Our disaster support services include:
- • Complete debris removal, disposal, and recovery
- • Portable housing
- • Temporary power services
- • Emergency ice, water, other consumables
- • Hazardous material handling
- • Bio-mass recycling
- • Road and utility work
- • Pre-event services
- • Technical and management assistance

Marine operations

Coastal restoration
Our beaches and shorelines can be reshaped and even destroyed by natural disasters—leveled in a matter of hours. Replacing and rebuilding these areas may seem an insurmountable task, but for CrowderGulf it has become our crowning achievement.
Our coastal restoration services include:
- • Beach replenishment
- • Wetlands restoration
- • Beach sand screening and replacement
- • Oil spill cleanup

Pre-event services
At CrowderGulf, we establish and maintain a solid working partnership with our clients, becoming an integral part of their disaster management team to ensure that all involved are better prepared when a disaster occurs.
Our pre-event services include:
- • Preparedness planning
- • Training
- • Debris management plan development

Technical SERVICES
Disaster debris services and their subsequent costs are typically one of the first and foremost concerns of federal, state, and local governments.
Our TECHNICAL services include:
- • Debris Management Site Selection & Permitting
- • Initial Debris Estimates
- • Annual Client Training

Recycling and green initiatives
The vast quantity of debris produced by a natural or manmade disaster can create a huge recycling challenge. In our effort to protect our environment and support green initiatives, we pledge to make the maximum effort to recycle materials. All debris related operations are performed in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules and/or regulations.
Examples of some of our innovative recycling practices include:
- Finding buyers overseas for residual wood chips following Hurricane Isabel
- Finding farmers to take residual (tested and approved) ash for use in planting. This phosphorus-rich ash was much more economical to area farmers than fertilizer.
- Restore debris management sites to green space where appropriate.
- Located plants to take chips for biofuel. During several previous activations, CrowderGulf found plants to take chips for biofuel in Florida, Louisiana, Texas and Virginia.