isam brisco senior project manager
Isam Brisco | Senior Project Manager
Mr. Brisco is a Graduate of the University of North Texas. He is currently managing the debris removal operations in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana. He has overseen all of the day to day operations of a project that, at its peak had over 200 trucks removing over 98,000 cubic yards of debris from the ROW daily. He has located and permitted 12 Disaster Management Sites in strategic locations throughout Calcasieu Parish to more effectively remove debris from the ROW. He is the liaison between the subcontractors, monitoring company, and client to ensure all aspects of the job are running smoothly and the client’s needs are met. He has seamlessly managed a project that has removed, reduced, and hauled to final disposal over 6,200,000 cubic yards of debris as of January 2021.

In Western Bay County, Florida, Mr. Brisco was the project manager following Hurricane Michael in October 2018. His responsibilities were: Running PUSH Operations to clear streets immediately after Hurricane Michael. Locating and permitting suitable temporary disaster managementsites, mapping and plotting debris on all County roads. Debris estimations for theelegating debris zones to subs and ensuring they adhere to assigned zones. Supervising operations at Debris ManagementSites. Removed 1,993,900 cubic yards of debris from ROW as of the end of 2020.

Managed Debris Removal Operation in Dickinson, TX after flooding from Hurricane Harvey, September 2017–March 2018. Found a suitable temporary Disaster Management Site for increased efficiency of haul in and reduction of C&D. Communicated with the City on a daily basis to update on progress and to prioritize areas for debris pickup. Mapped and plotted all of the roads in the City and relaying the maps to trucks. Zoned the City maps and assigned zones to trucks, worked with Monitoring Company to ensure the job ran smoothly. Oversaw haul out of compacted debris to final disposal, set up and supervised pick up and disposal of White Goods & HHW. Successfully removed, reduced, and hauled to final disposal over 230,000 cubic yards of C&D. (NIMS Trained).

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